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Did you know that God blessed each of us with power? And this is the power to bless. To bless is God’s business. And God is looking for business partner. He wants to have you as His partner in blessing others. The reason why god is blessing us is for us to be a channel of blessing to others. And whoever it is you bless, God will also bless them.

In the Bible there is a commandment for us to bless. It is stated in the Bible, Listen, I received a command to bless; God has blessed, and I cannot reverse it! No misfortune is in His plan for Jacob; no trouble is in store for Israel. For the Lord their God is with them; He has been proclaimed their king. Numbers 23:20-21 (NLT). It clearly stated that we should bless not curse. And whenever the Lord blesses, it is irrevocable, unstoppable and not even hell can take it away from you. This is the power of truth that we have because we know God.

But even if we know these for a fact, we have the tendency to still curse and say bad words. In Proverbs 18:21 it is said, “ Death and life are in the power of the tongue. And those who love it will eat its fruit.”
We have the power to bless indeed but how can we practice it and apply it in our daily lives? Let me give you three ways on how you can apply your power to bless. You can bless others through:

11.       WORDS
We should use our words to give encouragement and uplifting words. Use our words to give appreciations to the people around us. To appreciate this better, let me site a short story of a duke.  The duke once had a dream that all his teeth fell off. Bothered by his peculiar dream, he demanded that someone must interpret it for him. So there came a scholar and boldly  told the duke about his interpretation. The scholar said that all of his relative will die and he will left alone. Horrified  by the thought of it, the duke ordered his guards to kill the scholar. Knowing what had happened, the people did not want to even try to interpret the dream. One day a common man was brave enough to try. The duke took the chance and listened to the interpretation. The man said it like this, “Duke, you will have the longest life among your relatives that is why you will be the last one to die. The duke was very happy and accepted the man’s interpretation of his dream.

In the story, it is clearly portrayed that we can say something in different ways. It might have the same meaning but the choices of words are very important to establish a good conclusion. We have the ability to complain, to curse, or say negative things but let us keep in mind that we have also the power to bless using our words.

22.       ACTIONS
We can also bless others through our act of giving. We can be a blessing by simply being present in someone’s situation. Like visiting a sick friend in the hospital, giving gestures of approval is also powerful to communicate what we feel towards others. Sometimes, we don’t even have to say a word, just our actions, gestures and presence are enough to bless others.

33.       FACE
God created us to be able to say what we feel through our facial expressions. Our facial expressions could be a blessing or a curse. Giving someone a happy face, lighten up their feelings. A smiley face can brighten up your day. God makes our faces creatively expressive so that we can use it to bless others. Let us always use our words, actions and face to bless not to curse.
Let me proceed in giving you three things that you can bless or curse.

11.       PEOPLE
Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. Luke 6:28 (NLT). You just have to know that you have the power to bless. We are commanded to  bless those who curse us. It is stated in Romans 12:14 (NLT), “Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them.”

22.       SITUATION
Whatever our situation is, it’s up to us to either bless or curse it. Believe it or not, you can use your words to change your situation instead of complaining “why me?” or “why am I in this situation?”, you should say, “Thank you Lord for entrusting me this kind of situation and for your confidence in me that I can be able to surpass this circumstance. Thank you Lord.”

33.       NEEDS
We have the power to bless or curse our needs. Whatever that need may be, may it be spiritual, financial, or relational, just bless it and the Lord will bless it for you.
In life we have choices. It’s up to us to curse and be miserable or to use our power to bless and always be in God’s abiding presence.

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